Monday, July 1, 2019

Week 3 & 4 in Macceslfield

Hello friends and family!! So this is the lay down for the last 2 weeks! My email had a massive freak out and deleted my last email when I tried to send it haha! But, I will try to compact everything with the little remaining time I have! We also met this boy on the street named Jay! He is so sweet. He is only a teenager but he was very interested sun meeting with us. He says he is losing his faith but he loves going to other churches. He is the most talented boy I have ever met and so smart. We had a lesson with him and he said that he would love to come to church but he is going to a different country for the summer! We plan to keep in contact with him and meet with him once more before he leaves. We also met with Antony. So, he promised one he finished the old Testament to read the Book of Mormon but he said he just really wants to read the New Testament so he is reading that first. He read Matthew really fast so we just hope that he gets done with it soon. We have been reading chapters in the Book of Mormon when we are with him. We also had a surprise lesson yesterday. We went to a munch and mingle after church and afterwards we were walking home and we passed by a street. Sister Hales said they found a man who lived here that seemed pretty solid and said to teach his family but didn't hear back from him. So, we decided to try by and he was there as well as his family. We talked with them and taught them a few principles. He said he keeps the Book of Mormon in his bag to remind himself he needs to read it. He said things have been hectic and he hasn't read a lot but he promised God that if his house was finished that he would read the entire Book. And guess what... His house finished!! And he said that now he HAS to read it! He says he has a really good feeling about it. , we were calling through the paper areabook and we called a lady named Yvonne. She was so nice and was really open to have us come over for a chat. She said she loved having the missionaries over in the past and she has such a strong faith in God and Jesus Christ. She said when the missionaries gave her a Book of Mormon that she was reading it and one of the church members from her other church said that it wasn't a good book. Then, she started defending the Book of Mormon. She says she has no problem with it and she doesn't mind at all us teaching out of it. Well, that's a fast summary. We have some amazing people.we are working with and we hope to find some more! Sister Secer

Photos below

Tree man I thought was cool
 Macclesfield town center
 A walk we went on to get home

My companion and I with our friend, Georgia

 Pictures below are of a conference a couple weeks ago.

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