Monday, October 29, 2018

Week 9 in Wigan

Hello family and friends!!!!!!!

This week was really busy and full of excitement. I feel like this has been the busiest I have been for my mission life. We are just teaching so many good solid people. One of which is Soul!!!! Soul is amazing and we just hit such a breakthrough lesson with him this week. He has been a very slow progressing friend but this lesson we really just resolved a lot of his questions but he told us that despite all of his questions he knows that this church is true 100%!! He is just so close to actually making that commitment of following Christ! He is actually talking about his baptism! He really just wants to make sure he is doing this for himself and that it is the right thing to do. 

We have also been working with quite a few excommunicated members who want to be rebaptised. One of which is Yvette. She is an amazing person who has been through a lot. She definitely has had multiple trials and challenges in her life but through it all she does want to come back to this church because she knows it is true. She also has a daughter Charlotte who has never been baptised but wants to be. We had a lesson with Yvette where we got to tell her that getting her rebaptised wasn’t as difficult a situation as we thought it was going to be. She was so happy!! Definitely on my mission, I have seen not only how the gospel changes people but what it means to those that have fought to have it in there lives. The gospel has such meaning in our lives if we just let it. Once people feel the atoning sacrifice that Jesus Christ made possible for us is the time that they truly are converted. This gospel is so true and I am so grateful and blessed that I have it in my life. I am also so grateful that I get the chance to share with the people in Wigan. 

Also, this p day was a bit different than the others. So I got to play piano at a funeral this morning! The bishop asked if we could help and so of course we did. Most of the people there were non members, the person who passed away was recently baptism just a few years ago. But, I am just so grateful that I have the comfort the gospel does bring.

Well I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!
Sister Sever

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Week 8 in Wigan

This week was pretty incredible!!! We had this amazing ward party that was Harry Potter themed and they did amazing on it!!! Tons of people showed up as well!! So many returning members were present and members boroughs many of their friends. We brought a lot of our friends as well. Around 6 people we are teaching decided to come which was amazing! We were all sorted into our houses as well. I guess more people are bound to show when Harry Potter is mentioned haha. 

Then, Sister Terry and I played piano at our bishop’s daughter’s baptism. Our friend Soul decided to come with his adorable son. Soul said he was only going to stay until the actual baptism portion because Manchester United was playing. But he ended up staying for the entire thing and he really liked it! He has actually been talking about his baptism as well. He says he doesn’t know this church is true yet but he does want to look into joining haha. 

This preparation day we decided to come to Liverpool and we went to some pretty amazing places. I don’t know if I have mentioned primary but it is a magical place that is super cheap and has really cute clothes. In Liverpool it has 5 stories!!! It is the biggest one I have ever seen. We also went to the second largest cathedral in the world and another cathedral that looks like a spaceship. It was pretty amazing. Also we took pictures at the docks. 

We also had zone conference this week wher I got to see my old MTC companion Sister Rasmussen! Funny enough Sister Terry was also companions with her haha. Pretty great stuff. So this zone conference our mission President had this object lesson where he had sand and really big rocks. Sister Terry had to fit all these big rocks into the sand without it overflowing and it was really hard. But when she put in the big rocks first then the sand could fit into all the cracks and it all would fit. The analogy was that if we put the Lord first then everything else will work out. The Lord’s promise to us is that when we make sure that he is first in our lives by making time for prayer, scripture study, and families, everything else will work out!

Love you all!!!!!

(mom note:  Here's a little bonus from our personal email.  We had some visiting friends over the weekend with precious England ties and we had an awesome discussion about their loves of all things English.  So Sidney gave her two cents and also piped in about some of hers as well (below).  Enjoy!

"That’s nice that you are thinking of me haha. England is pretty great. I do love it! The weather hasn’t even been that bad. Now it’s getting a bit nippy and the beginning of my mission was..... so cold. But the summer was apparently the best one they have had since the 1960s. So I can’t complain. Except all the British people said they couldn’t cope because they have never had the need for an AC before. Everyone here is obsessed with vegemite and marmite. I’ve never had it here yet but I have had pate. I think that’s what it is called. It’s this weird meat spread, it doesn’t taste that bad. I have had haggis, I actually like it. It’s just this weird stuffing. I can see it being banned in the USA😂 Just like crackers. Iron bull is delicious! It’s really Scottish. But you can get it anywhere. Also, I like the coke here, but if you see doctor pepper....🤢 It’s gross don’t get it. It’s watered down and disgusting. Yes! I have had frog in a hole. That’s like egg, pate, and bread... I think. It likes like a ball. It is quite good! Do you know what else is good!!! Roasted parsnips!!! They are delicious!! I love parsnips! Ooo and I want to learn how to make roasted potatoes with coconut oil, those are delicious! Things I have tasted recently? I have lots of Sunday roasts! We had Mexican food at a members home!! It was quite good. But I still do not get chilli with rice and why they think it is Mexican haha."

pictures1-3-Zone conference
4-'the Beatles
6-the beach
7-me at the docks
8-just cause it looks so British, haha
9-space cathedral
10-space cathedral interior
11-large cathedral
12-me in cathedral
13-companion selfie
14-15-Large cathedral

Monday, October 15, 2018

Week 7 in Wigan

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Week 6 in Wigan

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Week 5 in Wigan


So Deborah has been doing amazing!!! The members have helped with her so much it's crazy!!! So Deborah isn't in the best of financial situations. She doesn't have much. But, there are members who have gone out of their way to give her so much. They have given her baby clothes, a crib, and lots of food. Deborah is so humble that she won't ask for anything and will be happy with whatever she has but she was grateful with the ward's efforts. 

Then we had a lesson with Soul! It was so good. We are just having a problem with him committing to the Book of Mormon challenge. He says he just wants to start it knowing he will finish it but he has said that for about a month now. I think we have to ask him a bit differently or promise him more blessings? But the good thing is that he said when he ends the 21 day challenge He wants to be baptised!!! So when he starts we could go ahead and set the date for him. 

Also, I do want to implement more member missionary work. We have a goal of having a fellowshipper for every lesson this week. Also, I want to be more purpose minded in member visits. Not even just member visits, every visit! The ward mission leader in Rossendale had some really good advice; that we should go into every house with the mindset of getting referrals. I do want to try that. I know for the few tea appointments that I have had...maybe we didn't get a referral, but we did have good conversations about missionary work!!! 

Also, I was reading in Alma 31:5 this week and it reminded me of Boyd K. Packers quote on how t"he doctrine can change behaviours faster than a study of behaviours improves behaviour." The gospel is so true. I have definitely noticed in my life how it has improved me everyday by studying the scriptures!!! By that, I have seen it more in how we teach our friends. The gospel does so much for us and we need only pray and study it to know it is true. 

I love you all!!
Sister Sever

pictures below: 
1. Wigan for a street display 
2-4. such a pretty place I am blessed to serve in 
5. My companion and I in a double decker bus 
6.Just cause...but a great quote! 
7.  I have begun to knit!!
8. My zone