Monday, July 15, 2019

Week 6 in Maccelsfield

Hello friends and family!

This week was.... One for the books!! I can't believe just how amazing it was! A lot of things happened that just really made me feel the spirit and God's love a lot!!

We had quite a miracle this week! So we were struggling with finding this week. We were out of town a lot and had lots of lessons this week so we just really had to find by the way. We had time to talk to people around the town Center so we were just walking around and stopping people. Suddenly🤯 a woman just ran up to us and asked if we could use her phone. We gave her it and she tried making a few calls but nothing. So, she went on her way. We started talking to people and were just walking down the street when we saw the same woman again and it was looking like she was using another person's phone. They looked like they knew each other but she asked us if she could use our phone again and we started talking to the girl she was with. Her name is Sam and she just looked at us and got excited. She said,"Which religion?" We told her we were from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and she just said,"Wow I am really interested!" The girl who was using our phone gave it back to us and Sam said,"Let's go sit on a bench and you can tell me more. So, we sat on a bench and just talked about the Book of Mormon. She said, "Wow, I am loving this. I mean I love the Bible but I also love different perspectives." We then started answering her questions and she said that she has never had someone answer her questions like we have! She really wants to come to church. 

We then taught some amazing people this week. We taught Georgia and Antony again. We had a break through with Georgia and learned a lot about her this lesson. We also had an amazing conversation with Antony about the Holy Ghost! He came to church this week and said that he would really like to stay for priesthood because he wants to become a better man! 

I had the chance to go to the temple this week!!! I was able to go through for the first time in a year and a half! Wow, I missed going through the temple so much. I have these moments on my mission quite a lot where instances or circumstances occur where I have this overwhelming feeling of wow! The church is true! I had that moment when I was in the temple this week and I realized that there is no way that you can feel the spirit so strongly in a place that wasn't the house of the Lord.

As you all probably know, my time on my mission is coming to an end soon. The time where I get to see the faces of the people I have missed and loved for a year and a half is growing closer! I feel like a mission has been the best investment I could have ever made. This last week I have been thinking back on my mission a lot and all the people I have met. I have found as of late that my prayers are just full of gratitude for the people I have seen and the experiences I have had. The scriptures talk a lot about remembering all the Lord has done for us and the importance of seeing his tender mercies. You can see a pattern in the scriptures when the people forget all that the Lord has done for them and turn to their own means. I have really felt this week just how much the Lord blesses us when we think of Him and everything He has done for us. He has given us everything and will give us even more if we follow Him. I love my God. I also love you all and I am incredibly thankful for those that have been reading these updates. I hope you all have an amazing week!

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