Monday, July 8, 2019

Week 5 in Macclesfield

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY(late) friends and family!

Even though I was in the country where we gained independence from, there were fireworks going off in my heart. We also wore red, white  and blue but people might just interpret that to United Kingdom flag colors🇬🇧🇺🇸

How have you all been doing? I have been doing great!!! Sorry that my last email was really lame ,I didn't even put in a spiritual thought or anything!!! But, I will make up for it this time! So, I don't know how much a I spoke about Georgia in the past. But, she is one of our friends that we are teaching . She is the absolute sweetest woman. We have been teaching her ever since I got here. We were able to take her and our other friend Antony, to a fireside this week! Georgia said she really liked it!! The testimonies that were shared were powerful.

Antony also had a special experience while he was there. He said he really enjoyed the testimonies but in the middle of the meeting he had to leave because it got really hot. So, he just walked out and he started talking to a man outside. He said he just got so much clarification from him. He said a lot of his questions were answered and he knew he was meant to go outside to talk to that man. So things are looking up!!!

We also had an amazing Sunday experience. It was fast Sunday and I don't know how I haven't mentioned this before, but I love testimony meetings. A lot of them just really stood out to me. One was a woman named Nkechi and she has been going through a tough time at the moment. She spoke about how we just need patience and endurance. Heavenly Father will answer us and we will find joy in Christ but we need patience and endurance when they aren't given to us in that very moment. I feel like the mission has really shown me Christ's character. I still don't have a perfect knowledge of it but my understanding of it has really deepened. Another testimony spoke of how incredible Christ is and how of we just turn to Him than any misunderstandings, anger, fear, can be turned to love. Christ was the perfect example in patience, endurance, love, humility, and selflessness and when we turn to Him he can help us to bear our afflictions with patience and we will see the benefits whether now or later.

I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!

Sister Sever

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