Monday, June 25, 2018

Week 20 in Rossendale

Monday, June 18, 2018

Week 19 in Rossendale

Monday, June 11, 2018

Week 18 in Rossendale

This week was pretty amazing! Chock full of miracles as every week is. Also I didn't go to the hospital which was nice haha.

On that stood out to me was when we were walking down the road and we stopped him and gave him a card. He said that he would call us, his name was Gary and he was church if England. So naturally thought he would "Call us". But.... lo and behold...... HE ACTUALLY DID! It was actually a couple days later. We were actually at a tea appointment and the phone started ringing. The family was just like it's ok take the call so I went into a separate room. It was Gary.... He said he wasn't happy with his church, even though he said he was c of e, he didn't agree with what it taught him. I just said... GREAT!!! I told him we would call him back for a later appointment. Later that day we went to my missionary ward leader's house for a meeting and I told him about Gary. We talked about how we would need another fellowshipper besides Brother Munday to come with us for the appointment. We called him right then to ask when would be the right time and.... lo and behold.... Gary answered and said his friend Steve was also unhappy with his church and wanted to listen in if that was alright.... WAS THAT ALRIGHT!!! 

Wow is God good. 

Another story. So we were visiting a member after church named Doreen and we hadn't been to her house before. We finally got to her house. It was kinda strange because Doreen was a pretty old woman so we didn't think she drove. But in her parking lot she had a car.... weird. So we went to the door and knocked. The door opened and a huge man opened the door. I just said.... "you aren't Doreen." He wasn't Doreen. He was John. We ended up talking to him for 50 minutes about the church. It turns out we were in the street below the one we were supposed to be on. He is so good though and he has this thick scottish accent. 

It just amazed me how much miracles I see in only a day of work. I know that even when I wasn't doing missionary work I was experiencing miracles but I just never was aware. I want to see the Lord in the details of my life and be more appreciative of what he puts in place for me. I truly love this gospel and what it is teaching me every day.

Sister Sever

Monday, June 4, 2018

Week 17 in Rossendale

Hello friends and family!!!

This is the new transfer! Already up to transfer 4!!! And I am STAYING IN ROSSENDALE!!!! That's right. They just couldn't let go of me. 

So I definitely have some new goals for this transfer. I have to be honest, I did think I was leaving but I am actually really happy I'm staying. I think I can still learn so much from Rossendale and especially Sister Pymm. I'm excited to make this transfer the best one. I have decided to make very day in the mission a good day. I have been reading some of Gordon B. Hinckley's teachings and he said that after every single day he would shake his companion`s hand and say that today was a good day. I want to end every single day knowing that I tried my best. 

We met with Lynn this week in order to watch the Restoration with her but it turned out that we didn't watch it at all. Instead we had a discussion about tithing... I really didn't do very well at directing the conversation because her real problem was that she just wants to know what entails to being a member of our church. After our lesson we both didn't feel to well about it. I later received revelation about how we just need to explain to her that she will understand a members role through time. It can't come all at once. That we are constantly learning about our roles in the restored gospel throughout our lives here on earth. She didn't come to church today as well since she said she was sick. I am excited to be able to see her on Wednesday though and grow her knowledge of the gospel.

We also had a miracle this week! Except there were a few losses involved. We had an investigator named Lynne Hardy(yes 2 Lynne's) and we went to her house and she wasn't there:( As we were on our way back Sister Pymm lost her bus pass but she kept the receipt. She looked for it anywhere but she couldn't find it. So we needed a new card so we headed to Burnley to get a new one. We got lost a few times... But the miracle was that on the way there we ended up on the same bus as Lynn... crazy. She then told us a ex partner was in the hospital and so she couldn't make it but she wants to meet again. So we are excited about her.

Also this week I went to the hospital.... It was pretty pathetic. It was in Tuesday. I have had this pain in my side for a couple of weeks but I just thought it was a tight muscle so I just ignored it. But on Tuesday morning I sneezed and I was in a ton of pain.... that's right. I sneezed. I just tore a muscle on my side so I'm fine and everything I just can't carry heavy things, reach too high, or breath too hard haha. But it really doesn't hurt too bad so it doesn't affect the work at all. But I really sounded ridiculous explaining it to people. "I sneezed and I tore a muscle"😂 The ward knows me well enough that they weren't too surprised haha.

Well I love you all and hope that you are doing amazingly. I will talk to you next week! Also I took lots of pictures of members just in case...

Sister Sever

1. Dinner(lunch) at the fig tree which has the most delicious hot chocolate in the world
2. The spencers, members from Rossendale
3 And 4. The Mundays, brother Munday is the mission ward leader
5, 6, and 7. Just cause