Monday, September 24, 2018

Week 3 & 4 in Wigan

This week was pretty amazing!!!! Our friends are definitely progressing and this area is still amazing!!! 

Deborah was taught the law of tithing not too long ago and she really actually taught us an important lesson. I have noticed as a missionary that as I teach sometimes, I will say something really profound that I have no idea where it came from and it really has taught me that the spirit is REAL!!! In this lesson, she was really concerned because of the fact she has no job and no income to pay tithing, but she really wants the blessings of tithing. We told her that it's less about the money and more the time that goes in them. She can get the same blessings when she makes sure that she gives her time and effort to the Lord, always putting him first. So that's something I definitely want to apply especially when I am home. To always serve those that are around me and striving my hardest to fulfil the callings the Lord has in store for me. 

We also had a lesson with our friend Soul again as well. He really wants to be fully prepared to do the Book of Mormon challenge! He says that he doesn't want his efforts to be half hearted but he knows that if he goes to read the Book of Mormon for 21 days, he will get the answers he desires.

We had a tea appointment this week where we felt prompted to share a scripture that we read in personal study. It's in Alma 24:16-19. It is where the anti-nephi-lehis laid aside their weapons of war so they could stand as a bright testimony to God at the last day. I think everyone could do the same. I hope that all of you don't have the same problem as those people, but I know for myself that I definitely have bad habits that I could work on in order to stand as a bright testimony. I invite you all to think of something that you do want to get rid of and make steps so that you can get rid of it! It's just like Jeffrey R. Holland's talk , "Be ye therefore perfect eventually." We start with the little things that we can be better on! 

I love this church and I love this gospel. I know it to be true! I said a talk this Sunday about the book of Mormon and that book is evidence of so many things. It truly has so much power and if we but only read it with a sincere heart we will know it is true!!

I love you all such and hope you have a good week!!

Sister Sever

Monday, September 10, 2018

Week 2 in Wigan


     So we had a seventy (one of the leaders of the church) come to our mission, Elder Moreira!  This zone conference I had a goal of really trying to take notes as people speak. I have such a one track mind, and usually for zone conferences I only really write goals down of what I want to do after they speak. So our mission president and wife gave speeches and I wrote such good notes. I was so impressed with myself! Then Elder Moreira came to speak and the first thing he said was, “Put your notebooks down, and after I speak I want you to write down any goals you feel impressed to write down after I speak.” πŸ˜‚ The zone conference was AMAZING!!! Elder Moreira was a very good speaker. He is so funny and enthusiastic.

     I"m definitely getting settled in Wigan!!! I LOVE Sister Terry, my companion. She is the funnest. She’s absolutely hilarious and this area is amazing. I hope I stay here for a while, but now I have abandonment issues from last transfer... and I the one abandoning!!!πŸ˜‚

     Deborah, one of our investigators, teaches me so much. This week we went over to her house and she told us this amazing story about how one of roommates doesn’t like us coming over. Her roommate didn’t understand why she had us over if we didn’t give her either food or money. Deborah told her that we gave her something much more important than food. Then she bore her testimony of the Book of Mormon, it was pretty incredible. Also, that same meeting I felt really prompted to read 2 Nephi 4:15-35. Usually we have to stop after every verse and explain it. But Sister Terry and I just kept reading and she understood every word!! The Book of Mormon definitely speaks for itself. 

I love you all! 

Sister Sever

Monday, September 3, 2018

Week 1 in Wigan