Monday, January 28, 2019

Week 22 in Wigan

Hello friends and family!! 

This week we had another amazing lesson with Vejas!!! We taught him the Word of Wisdom, with a member named Gonzalo, and he accepted it immediately. We were teaching him about the importance of prayer and we were telling him he needs to pray every day! So, he decided that he was going to say prayers of gratitude for one of us every day. He said," Tomorrow will be for Sister Dunlavy, then Sister Sever, then Sister Rasmussen, and last Gonzalo, because he needs salvation." 😂😂

We also had a ward activity called a Burns Night! Apparently, it's a Scottish holiday for a poet named Robert Burns. We have a Scottish family in our ward and all the men had kilts on. They had somebody from another ward come and play the bagpipe. Then, a member from the Scottish family read out a poem that apparently you read out before you have haggis. In the middle of it, He stabbed into a sheep's stomach. And yes, I had haggis again. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is the inside of a sheep's stomach😳 It is alright. It just tastes like a meaty stuffing. They also did Scottish dancing, called Keely. It looked super fun! 

We also had a tea appointment with a member and she took us for dessert to this gelato place. They had halfbaked cookie dough and she said we could get some. Naturally, we all got some! Well, we should have all shared because I think by midway I started feeling super sick! But, I was so proud, I ate it all!!!!! It was mighty delicious and a genius creation!

During sacrament, we had someone give a talk about having a celestial vision. As I have taught people the plan of salvation my knowledge(although still not perfect) has grown significantly in how perfect God's plan is for us! If we have faith in Christ, we can achieve anything! Miracles are wrought according to our faith! Having a celestial vision is so important becsuse our brains are so powerful. What you think is exactly what you do! If you think you are lower, then we will achieve lower than what we are capable of. Our thoughts are everything and if we truly desire to live with our Heavenly Father again... We will!!! We have endless potential. Heavenly Father has gifted us with agency so that we can progress now and forever but also so that we can attain our higher purpose IF we have the vision to do so. I know Heavenly Father's plan is without fault and I know that he loves us infinitely. That is why there is a sure way to Heaven if we keep his commandments and honour the promises we make. I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!

Sister Sever

(Bonus mom note!!  From our personal email today, which I thought, would also be interesting to all of you:
"I was in Manchester today and I totally had a flashback to my MTC days because tons of missionaries from the mtc were proselyting there! They asked what advice we would give them and the only thing I thought of was to have genuine love. Genuine love for the work, for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, for the people, for yourself! I want to use this for the rest of my life. If I have genuine love and interest for the gospel and for my God and others. Then, everything else falls into place. No matter what happens you can endure but enjoy as you are doing it! There is a Hope Works that totally describes what I am talking about, it's called Feeling Joy in the Midst of Struggle by Abby Stephens. It's on and if you want to watch it it. Also, a few sisters from the MTC told me that they read my blog before coming out haha! I had to tell them I have an amazing mother who makes it possible! They thought the vegan video was pretty hilarious😂 ")

1. Piccadilly square
2. Trump calendar you can buy in stores that we thought was funny😂
3. Chinatown in Manchester
4. Cookie dough place with members, winter makes me look like a hobo😂
5. This week there was something super random, it was just a normal day in Wigan and then in the town square a ton of Chinese people started dancing😂😂😂
6. Manchester
7 & 8. Guess what..... IT SNOWED!!!!!❄❄
9. Haggis!!! They had mashed potatoes and carrots with it.

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