Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Week 21 in Wigan

Well hello everyone! 

This week was..... full of excitement! So much happened! Literally, I think this is the longest yet shortest week of my entire mission. We had zone conference this Thursday but it feels like it was 500 years ago!!! We had this lesson with a friend named Alan! I think I might have spoken about him before. But, we were supposed to have it in the library. He showed up and was just like,”well, it’s a nice day outside so why don’t we just go out there instead”. So we up and moved to a swing set and sat there and taught him the restoration. Definitely a first in my mission, but I loved it! 

Then, not this Sunday but the Sunday before...something amazing happened! So,I was playing piano in church and we got a phone call, well the actual chapel did. A man on the phone named Tommy asked for me but since I was playing they got one of my companions to get the phone instead. They got his number and promised that I would call him later. So, afterwards they told me and I remembered him as somebody I talked to on the bus a week ago! I called him back and set up an appointment with him this week. He is just this sweet old man and we talked a lot about what we believe. He actually took us for a tour in the chapel he goes to! So that was a nice quirk we didn’t expect. We were just on a roll this week for having unusual places our friends wanted to take us to. 

Then we visited with Vejas!!!! Oh blessings! Vejas is amazing! So, we taught him this week and he now wants to be baptised! He also committed himself to read to page 300 of the Book of Mormon by next Sunday! Not of our own doing, although we support him wholeheartedly in his efforts, he asked for this himself.😂

Well, this week was my year mark! Crazy stuff! We celebrated by going to get gelato. 

Oh! And we also had zone conference this week! They were a lot of things that missionaries said that just hit me so hard! It was one of the best zone conferences I have had. But, one thing that I really liked was a quote that somebody read outloud. I didn’t write down the specific quote but it said how our desires lead to our priorities, which lead to our choices, which lead to our actions. Like this big domino effect. If we have righteous desires it will lead to righteous action down the line! A missionary brought up the point that as humans we are not born straight off the bat with righteous desire. But we can grow and obtain that desire! It is a mindset that we need to work at and obtain! I think what really helps me to have that desire is having a vision of where I want to be. I just want to be with my Heavenly Father again, I want to live with my family for eternity, and I want to find true and everlasting joy in Christ. With those mindsets, I find that my desires have changed and my actions show accordingly. I find myself growing in my testimony every day and striving to live so I can obtain that vision! I love this gospel and I am so lucky to be a part of the restoration of Jesus Christ’s church! I love you all!

Sister Sever

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