Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Week 1 in Stafford

Well friends and family....

Transfers are here!! You probably weren't expecting this at all... But I am now leaving Wigan! I actually was quite convinced I was staying because I love Wigan. But, usually when I guess something the opposite happens. Either that or I joke around that it will happen and it actually happens. It's one or the other. But, I am leaving Wigan and heading to..... STAFFORD!!! I am going to the South! I have never been in the South of my mission boundaries. But, now I am heading near to Newcastle. I don't know much about Stafford but I do know it is beautiful and my companion is Sister Ryser.

I have been in Wigan for around 8-9 months now. I have lost count. I have had so many absolutely amazing memories here. It truly is the blessed land. I had some more amazing memories this week as well. So, a couple weeks ago, we were just walking along the street when Sister Hawkins felt prompted to go back to talk to a man on a bench that she saw. His name is Craig. We talked a little bit and he accepted a Book of Mormon straight off the bat and said he would like to meet. We arranged for a time in the library and last week we went to meet him. We had another lesson before his with a man named Gareth. We were waiting for him when Gareth texted us saying he couldn't make it to the lesson. A bit disappointing we were going to daily contact when BAM we saw Craig! He walked up to us and said he completely forgot about his lesson but he just ended up coming to the library anyways. We had a lesson with him this week and the same exact thing happened. Heavenly intervention! 

We also had something called First Five Weeks. Sister Hawkins is only in her first transfer and so we had to go to the mission home in Altrincham for a training for all the new missionaries. So, first mistake... I was navigating that day. I ended up putting in the wrong postcode and we ended up in the town over. I was navigating to the mission office not the mission home. Luckily, there were senior couple missionaries who lived close by that were so kind to give us a ride to the mission home. Before they came, I was confidently walking through this forest path that didn't seem to be an actual path and I got mud all over my tights. Then, the assistants to the president called and we figured out I was a 20 minute drive to the mission home from where I was...

Not too long ago, I was reading in Nephi 18. Jesus Christ is ministering to the Nephites and asks them to pray. In verse 16 he talks about that as he has prayed among us even must we pray. It made me realize how important prayer truly is. I thought of 2 Nephi 31 when it says that if Jesus Christ has a need to be baptise and he was perfect, how much more need do we have to be baptised as we make mistakes. I think I is the same in this verse, Jesus Christ was a perfect resurrected being when he was talking to the Nephites and he was praying with them and for them. If he prays, we should as well. As a missionary we do pray... a lot. But, I have seen how my life has changed because of it. Prayer gives us added strength and comfort and it holds power. We are talking to the Being who loves us more than we can imagine! That is why we invite so many people to pray because that is the only way they can get the answers they need and recognize the Lord's hand in our lives. He wants to speak to us but we are the only ones who can open that communication.

I love you all and hope you have an amazing week!

Sister Sever

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