Monday, April 9, 2018

Week 9 in Rossendale

Hello family and friends!

This week is a bit more boring, well as boring as a mission can get, which to be honest isn't very haha. But we came out of this week only finding really one solid new investigator whose name is Csian, who was a dropped investigator from a while back. But she was only dropped because she couldn't find time off of work to actually visit with the missionaries... but she was interested. We are meeting up with her next week which we are pretty excited about. 

Another thing to be excited about is....... drum roll..... it's getting warmer in England!!! Apparently in the next few days it's going to be REALLY HOT. And do you know what that is..... like 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Isn't it like 80 degrees in Hanford right now? But it is really humid here. But at least I don't have to worry about random snow that cancels church when your investigator is about to be baptised😂 

Speaking of Becca, we visited her quite a bit this week. Once because we had a tea appointment with her and her family.  Oh I wish I thought to take a picture; they would have totally let me. We basically had this English roast inside a HUGE Yorkshire pudding. It was pretty incredible. Have I mentioned how much I love Yorkshire puddings? They need them in America.  English people have them ALL THE TIME!  And after tea, we had a lesson about the plan of salvation with Becca and Mike. And it was an amazing lesson!!! Basically we made little comments during it but Becca taught most of it to her husband and then bore her testimony. It was amazing.  She really is so special and you can tell that Mike can see the difference in her and how happy she is with what she knows. Mike also told us his basic beliefs, and they are basically along the lines of what we teach. I think we just need to teach him how the gospel can apply to him personally, but he definitely has potential. 

Also we had this new member fireside on Sunday. Ok I have no idea if they do this anywhere else but every month President Mcreynolds holds a meeting where a couple new converts bare their testimony and it's a chance for investigators to see people who were not born in the church and how they came to know it was true. And it is A BIG thing. There were probably 400 people there! And Becca spoke! She was so good too. She was really nervous before she got up but she was fine once she started speaking. 

After her was this young girl who didn't know English too well, and she said that when she met the missionaries she thought they were security.  They had invited her to a baptism, which they drove her to, which she thought  was in Lancaster, but in reality, it was in Preston. She said she thought they were abducting her.

I also just went to Blackburn to hike to Darwin tower but I didn't have anything to take pictures since I wasn't being smart and told the zone leaders to keep it in their car. And people did take pictures of me... I just won't get them til later... sad days. 

Well this week I also had a talk on Sunday about the atonement of Jesus Christ. And it really made me think about the love of Christ to sacrifice his life for our sins. And it is still hard for me to understand how one man can sacrifice his life for all our sins. And Richard G. Scott (? I think) Said that no mortal mind can truly comprehend it. But that doesn't stop us from learning about it. And I know that even though I can't truly understand the atonement fully, I can still have faith in something I don't truly understand.

 I love you all and hope everything is going well. You are all in my prayers😊
Love,  Sister Sever

(who is in the picture!!...This was from the fireside for the new members. There is me, Sister Limb, the bishops wife Janet, below is Rachelles daughter Meghan, then becca, then Rachelle, Charlotte daly(the member who basically converted becca), and ros  thompson)

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