Monday, April 16, 2018

Week 10 in Rossendale

Well hiya!
This week was pretty legit. We had A LOT of stuff happen. So first was I went to Peel tower last Monday that left me with little to no time to email. So there is a lot of stuff I need to send. 

And then this week we had two broadcasts to listen to. One was a missionary broadcast and the other was for the church members throughout England. And this was part of President Nelson's  (the prophet) worldwide tour. I so wish they visited Chorley or I could have physically gone! But it was still pretty incredible. Sister Nelson talked for a bit about how it is like being the prophet's wife and how she got revelation to leave the room in the middle of the night and just clean...and the few hours when she left was when president Nelson received revelation for ministering changes and the priesthood class changes. It was really good! 

But on a more amazing note! Sister Limb and I have been getting closer to Michelle, which is the elders` investigator. We aren't trying to steal her but...... We really want to because she is so amazing. Anyways she likes us better, haha. So she has been having problems with actually knowing that this church is for her. So her dog got ran over by a car... and they ran quickly took her to the veterinarians hospital.  There was literally nothing wrong with her!!  And that was her sign...because she had never prayed so hard in her life. So she is officially thinking of being baptized she just needs a date!

We also had lunch with a couple senior missionaries this week and that was so fun. We went to this place called the Fig Tree that was super delicious. And then we went to the Temperance Bar. Okay... So the temperance bar is basically the happiest place on earth besides Disneyland and the celestial kingdom. So basically it's a bar filled with amazing non alcoholic drinks, so it is a mormon`s paradise. Tthey make these delicious milkshakes out of cordial. So good!

Then yesterday we were struggling to find investigators. We were getting desperate to actually find someone so we decided to knock on doors near our apartment. So on our way there somebody stops us and says wait, are you the Mormons!? His name is Marco and he has met with the missionaries before and knows basically all the members, and LOVES us. He also loves America and he has always wanted to move there. He was so nice and open with us. But that is not all. So we decided that before we officially ask him to meet with us again we might as well get to know him at one of the sports nights that we do on Fridays. So we invited him to it and gave him our number and he said he was definitely going to meet us there. But little did we know that sports night was cancelled because they are remodeling the gym in our chapel!!! So we were bummed; we had to tell him, but we couldn't because we did not have his number- he had ours though. So we went tracting for a couple hours then we went back home and on the way back we came across..... MARCO!!! He was completely fine with it being cancelled and just said that he still wanted to meet with us and we could "talk about Jesus". It was the best! We were ecstatic. 

Also while we were knocking on doors one lady just said she wasn't interested and closed the door. About 10 doors down we suddenly hear someone yelling,"SISTAHS!!" (In British accent) and she caught up to us and just said that she didn't know why but she felt like she just had to run down to us and tell us that she hoped people were being nice to us. Apparently she is dating a less active member and she knows that we are just doing what we are passionate about. She was so sweet.

We also found another girl named Lisa who is a spiritualist. She was so nice and is interested in learning more. Apparently she doesn't have a specific belief with what happens after we die...but she just recently became interested. We briefly explained the plan of salvation and she told us we can come over again next week.

Then today we went to climb a random steep hill and take district pictures it was super fun but there were a few..... accidents. Sister Limb, the district leader, and Elder Cowdrey all fell in mud and, to literally everyone`s surprise, I came out unscathed. So you know all those rivers I managed to fall into for camping trips! Yeah I'm totally over that.

 I love missionary work!  It is hard at times, but as is life as well. It can be character building. But I know from now on that if anyone tells me that they are thinking of going I will say, just do it!  It will only build you if you let it.

So yes this was my week! Very eventful! Well I love and miss you all!

Sister Sever

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