Monday, February 26, 2018

Week 3 in Rossendale

Hello everyone! 

So this week was so busy! We barely had any time for finding at all.  We literally went from appointment to appointment. At the end of the day I'm pretty sure I didn't just go to sleep, I would pass out. 

So I finally met Becca! She is our only investigator right now and she is amazing. She has basically already accepted the gospel. We went to her house just this week and we taught her the plan of salvation. She took to it really well and i invited her to be baptized! It wad so cute. When I asked her, her reply was, "wow I wanna do that! How do I do it!" She is getting baptized on March 17 hopefully. It really was amazing because this past Sunday, somebody from the ward passed away that she knew, and she told us that all she could think about was what we taught her! Oh and I almost forgot that she invited her own member to the lesson! And it was the bishops wife! As I said she is just amazing and so prepared. 

In other news... today I decided to travel around town and see what was in the charity shops. There is a picture down below of a sign that I found that is what British people think true happiness is haha.

I had zone conference this week! I had to wake up at like 4:30 in order to get there on time since it was in Chorley. Which really isn't that far away, but by bus it takes a fair amount of time. I really liked it! I saw one person from my old district in Lehi! It was super fun and it was where I found out that there is in fact a subway in England. Which I was doubtful of because they didn't even have taco bell. I really like President McReynold`s talk on personal revelation and how we can get it by searching, pondering, and then asking the lord for the answer. It's like the scripture that you must first seek my word then will your tongue be loosed...or something or other. 

Anyways I love you all and wish you the best!

Sister Sever


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