Thursday, November 29, 2018

Week 13 in Wigan

Hello friends and family!!! And HAPPY THANKSGIVING🦃🦃

This week was amazing!!!! It was chock full of miracles!!! First of
all, Sister Dunlavy is amazing and I love her so much!!

We didn’t get to celebrate thanksgiving that much but we did have a
tea appointment then where a member gave us delicious Chinese food!!
Then, I learned something really important. Probably the most
significant thing I have learned on my mission. Apparently, golfing is
dangerous😂 The member told us he has the record of the most injuries
on the golf course. There’s one course he calls hand break corner
where he fell 2 feet and broke his hand. When he went to the hospital,
the doctor asked him how tall the building was he fell off of because
the hand was completely shattered. After they did the x-ray, they put
it up in the break room where the other employees played guess the
body part and apparently nobody got it right! Then there is another
course he calls heart attack hill!! Apparently, it’s a really steep
hill where he actually had a heart attack and a false alarm of one!
So, that’s what I have learned this week! Haha.

Then, we had a lesson with good ol' Soul! He is praying and really
wants his friends to come to church. He said he will bribe 15-20 of
them and then lock them in the chapel so they will feel the spirit and
be converted. He then said they will have champagne later... we told
him that probably wouldn’t be best to end Sunday with haha.

Then, A MIRACLE!!! Yup they do have them. The church is true! So
Sister Terry(shout out) had an a amazing idea to message everyone in
our WhatsApp to see if anyone was interested! So, a girl named Lucy
responded and said she enjoyed our message from the church and talked
about the word of wisdom and so we assumed that she was probably
taught by the missionaries.... WRONGO! We got there and her husband
opened the door. So her husband was a bishop and was a member of the
church a few years ago. Now he wants to come back and be rebaptised.
But it was the best lesson and he was an amazing fellow shipper. He
encouraged her to meet with the missionaries and said that he will
come to church next week with the kids. Lucy has a doctors appointment
and said she would meet with us in the evening though. There can be
miracles! When you believe!

But yeah, this week in my personal study I have been studying in
Mosiah and one chapter it was talking about how God and Heavenly
Father are one. And I was just thinking,”No wonder religions believe
in the trinity because if I didn’t know they were separate this would
be really confusing.” With the focus of Jesus Christ in my Book of
Mormon reading, I have become really confused with if they are
speaking about Heavenly Father or Jesus Christ. But, it truly
testifies that Jesus Christ is our prime example. He came down on this
Earth not to do his own will, but of the will of the His Father that
sent him. He came here for no selfish desire but for us and Heavenly
Father. He gave us his gospel, established the true church, and died
for our sins for us. Because of Him there is hope for us! With Light
the World just around the corner. It is a perfect time to thank Him by
serving others. As we learn from King Benjamin, when we are in the
service of our fellow beings we are only in the service of our God. I
know that Jesus Christ lives and that he is my Saviour. I love this
gospel so much!

I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!

Sister Sever

Pictures new companion, Sister Dunlavy!!!  (and a pretty path...there are lots of those, haha)

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