Friday, November 23, 2018

Week 12 in Wigan

Hello friends and family! 

Transfers are here!!! I am staying in Wigan but Sister Terry is leaving😭 I am a bit heartbroken. I love her to bits but I’m getting another American companion named Sister Dunlavy!! She is pretty great so I’m excited to serve with her.

This week has been pretty eventful!  We had a great lesson with Charlotte and talked with her about the word of wisdom. She told us of an amazing experience she had where she went to a bar for a karaoke competition. She had a few drinks, she said she definitely didnt drink a lot but she got quite upset with her fiancé and her brother for drinking and smoking but she can’t remember it at all! This scared her quite a bit so she said she is officially quitting drinking! Her fiancé also quit at least til Christmas!

We had a miracle lesson with Katie. We haven’t been able to teach her for a while but we finally found time to teach her the plan of salvation. We had a really good discussion about the premortal life where we talked about how the gospel may seem familiar to us because we already knew it before! She then said how whenever we teach her something new, she feels like she has known it before. Pretty incredible!

Then one day, we had a few lessons that were arranged and were excited for! But then they ALL fell through... but there were amazing fruits instead!!  The Lord truly does have a plan for us. We decided to try to stop by another friend in the area and he accepted a Book of Mormon and told us we could come back! His name is Jason! Then we had a fellowshipper for one of the lessons. He is a returning member who served a mission not too long ago. So we told him the lesson fell through and then he said, “well you can teach me!” So we met up with him in the town center and he gave us a ton of referrals to go by! 

I have been hearing about those California fires!! I’ve heard they were really bad! A friend we are teaching, Soul, was really concerned about my family! But I assured him that if anything was close to you that the mission would notify me immediately. But, Soul told me to tell you that you are in his prayers. So more people in England are praying for you besides me haha. But those fires do sound terrible. You can definitely take some of England’s rain. They have plenty! 

So...we have plans for thanksgiving! So one member who feeds us asks us what country we want him to make and then he makes dishes from there. So he signed up for this Thursday and so we asked him if he could make us American food! But then he was like, American, I don’t much like American is there ANYTHING else you want.... so we are having Chinese food for thanksgiving haha! But he is an amazing cook so I’m super excited! 

Christmas time is coming!!!! It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!! I am so excited for this Christmas season! Since Sister Terry was leaving, a member gave us our Christmas presents earlier so my new companion wouldn’t feel left out. So now I’m super pumped for Christmas and I can’t wait to see the miracles in store! 

Then I also was reading in the Book of Mormon this week in Isaiah. I started in the middle of the Book of Mormon for president nelson’s challenge. I decided this time when I read them I do want to look in the bible and use both to try and understand. It totally works! I understood the Isaiah chapters more than I have in my entire life! The footnotes in the bible made it so much easier to understand! It truly testified to me how the Book of Mormon and the bible support one another and we need both for our salvation. I definitely know these books are true. Whenever I read them, my testimony of them grows stronger. I can feel just how much God loves us by giving us these books to truly help us in this life to come closer to Christ. 

Well I hope you all have a good week!

Sister Sever

Below are
1. Sister Terry and I we were matching haha
2. Debora and us
3. Deboras baby she is the cutest
4.Sister Terry and I in Manchester after my doctors appointment, President and sister McReynolds came and it was their date night haha
5. A rainbow!!!

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